Our Mission Statement

Our Mission Statement

1. We hope to provide a safe place for the victims of sexual violence to share their stories, in order that by doing so they may reclaim their power and cease to be the victims of their attackers due to residual intimidation.

2. We desire most earnestly to dispel the public myths about sexual violence. By sharing the survivors' stories we hope that it will awaken compassion and understanding in the public, and that blame will finally be shifted to where it belongs: on the perpetrator.

3. With publishing these stories, it is our hope that it may also alleviate some of the unwarranted guilt that survivors tend to put on themselves, by connecting them to others with stories similar to their own.

4. We hope that by openly displaying the devastating affects of sexual violence, we might not only empower those who tell them, but create a public outcry to enact new legislation, which should impose a better system to deal with sex offenders.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

June Flower's Story

We were in my kitchen of my new home in the suburbs not far from where I grew up. My father and his new wife were visiting. My daughter was nine months old. His wife was holding her up in her arms. My father leaned in and stuck his tongue in the baby’s ear. She giggled. He said,”Oh she likes that!” 

Waves of nausea hit me from nowhere. Flashes of something I couldn’t see yet were hitting my brain. I knew it was wrong. It was my father. It was bad. I kicked him out. I grabbed the baby and kicked them out. 

The flashback hit me so hard, I thought I would die. The night before it happened, my Father had discovered my boyfriend and I in my room at night. But he didn’t come in or say anything.The next night he got his revenge. I was reading. He pulled me out of bed. Threw me against my dresser. He tore off my clothes. He sodomized me very violently. I was on the ceiling watching. But I could feel it when I remembered. It felt like a cattleprod. When it was over I fell to the ground, he called me a whore and had me lick his penis before he left. That night I went to my therapist. He said I had severe PTSD and sent me to the hospital. My pulse was 150 bpm. My blood pressure was through the roof. I stayed there for a month. 

By the end, the nurses convinced me to confront my Father. I did. Before he could prepare a response, he said,”Oh yeah.” Then he tried to deny it. We haven’t spoke since. That was 12 years ago. 
My memory had blankness from birth to age 19 for most of my childhood. I am just now remembering more of what happened. The above story is only the beginning and what started my recovery. 

I am now 39 years old and finally truly facing what happened to me. I pushed away that initial memory for years until I couldn't function anymore. I suffer from complex PTSD and Dissociative Identity Disorder. I startle easily at any noise. I'm scared to go out especially at night. I don't trust anyone and have difficulty making friends. I have nightmares sometimes for weeks and then sometimes I have flashbacks during the day. They feel real and like I am back in the trauma. Its as if it all just happened. It is difficult to live this way. Recently I was diagnosed with DID and have since found that I have eleven alters so far. Sometimes when I switch I don't remember, sometimes, I am co-present with them. My therapist says that with a lot of hard work, I can get better. But it will take a long time and will be painful. We feel its not fair.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Rachel's Story

He was not a stranger in an alley or some man I had just met so the thought of what he did actually being rape did not come into my mind until I started to really fight back. We had been together for three years we have a daughter who was just under two at the time, he had a good job and brought in very good money. I stayed at home with our daughter, went shopping all day, and kept the house spotless. Looking from the outside, you would not see the truth within. If anything he made me looks spoilt and would tell all others how hard his life was with me. However, all my family (whom we lived closest to) could see the cracks. My mum could not put her finger on it but she just did not want my daughter or me near him. She was seeing all the control that I could not. He was smart though, he would not hit he would use words and coerce me to his ideals and ways of thinking. He tried and very nearly succeeded to convince me I was a danger to be alone with my daughter, which triggered postnatal depression. He would cheat with others and make me feel worthless. I was forever put on a diet. I was made to wear slutty lingerie on command. Along with that, the 'sex' was on command too. Whether I consented or not was of no consequence, it was expected so it had to be done, daily. I would just lie on the bed dressed in whatever he wanted at the time and await instruction as to what he wanted. Then I started to speak up and at times, flat out refuse before the rapes started he would just storm off like a baby, complaining and making my life hard at every turn always bringing the reason for his behavior back to the lack of sex in our lives. One night he had been drinking and smoking drugs. He tried to restrain me in the living room on the sofa with his hands and force and weight of his body but I fought him off. I made my way to the bedroom upset, scared and confused he had never been this forceful before and I did not know what he was going to do next. My daughter was asleep in the same bedroom so I was scared for her too. Before I could think, he grabbed me from behind and forced me against the wall. He tried to fondle me and kiss me, I refused and tried to push him off but somehow between the space of the living room to the bedroom he had developed a strength I did not know anyone could possess. He threw me by my hair onto bed and ripped the bottom half of my clothes off me. He kept me pinned down by my neck with his forearm pushing me further into the mattress. Tears were streaming down my face but my sobs and pleas stifled, as I did not want to wake my daughter and have her witness it. I cannot remember the duration of the rape but all I have now are the flashbacks of the violence and the way my body was abused as if I was not really in it. That was not the last time he raped me, the last time was in front of my daughter. That is when I saw it for what it was, not what he made it out to be, which, in his words, was all my fault.

Sophie's Story

I met a guy in Navy ROTC at a college party when I was 19. He was handsome, charming, and so respectful. Having met at a party, I expected he was looking for a drunk hookup and I told him right off I wouldn't do that. He never pressured me or anything. He bought me dinner a few times, invited me over for the superbowl, we'd watch movies, go to parties, hang out. Occasionally he would start to get physical, but every time I said I wasn't ready he would stop immediately and just hold me and sing to me and tell funny stories. Eventually I let him get more and more intimate. We started sleeping together, consensually. But after a few months of him refusing to be exclusive, I had enough. I wanted a relationship, not a hook up. We got pretty distant.
One night he's at a party that gets busted. The cops were letting underage people go if they had someone sober to take them home. Knowing I lived close and I hardly drink, he called me and I took him home. Once I got him in the door he started getting physical, and the more I resisted, the meaner he got. He called me a tease and a slut and said no one would care what happened to me. He got really violent, every time I would make a noise or resist he'd hit me harder. He raped me. It was my 20th birthday.
A few days later I went to my pastor and told him everything. I asked for help, or advice. He changed the subject. So I didn't tell anyone else for a long time. I knew what happened to me was wrong, but I didn't think anyone else would see it that way. After all, I had a sexual history with this guy, he'd always been so kind, my pastor ignored my cry for help... it all added up to me burying the truth for years.
But I couldn't bury the rage and guilt and self hate. All my relationships - boyfriends, best friends, parents - suffered. I was reckless and suicidal, and so so angry. Eventually I was hospitalized for my behavior, and finally told my family.
There's so much more to my story that I can never seem to tell expect in bits and pieces. He threw money at me when he was done. He stalked me and would send texts like "Love your hair today". A good friend from high school was in his unit, and knew who had raped me without me ever giving a name. I have never, since that night, said his name. I moved and left my school and friends to get away from him. I constantly feel like "I'm doing this wrong", but is there a "right" way to recover from something like this?


Amelia's Story

At the age of 2 I was taken away from my biological mother and put in a foster home.  There were 10 foster children including me.  There I was sexually, physically and emotionally abused by this foster family.  Although my memories are fuzzy or non- existent, I remember my foster father touching me at the age of 4.  This man also sexually abused his own biological daughter I was told years later.  The foster parents had children of their own, 5, to be exact.  They in turn, especially the sons, whom I called uncles, sexually, physically and emotionally abused their own children.  4 of the children turned out to be alcoholics.  This household was very dysfunctional as well as extremely abusive.  When I was 16 and both foster parents had passed away I was put in their daughter, Fran's, house.  Fran was sexually abused by not only her father (the foster father) but also by her brother.  The sexual abuse in this family was rampant.

I was also raped at the age of 9 or later by the drunken man across the street.  He would give me quarters and touch me.  To this day I still do not see the rape but have had flashbacks of a rape happening to me.
I always wondered why I hated the very person I was.  It was not until I was 40 that I started this journey to healing. My life after I was married was having one affair after another with different men.  I was involved in swinging as well.  When I look back at that behavior I understand why I did what I did.  These men set me up to believe that sex equaled love.  I was desperate for attention, and these men paid attention to me and used me, knowing how needy I was.

 I have stopped acting out with other men.  I refused to hurt the wounded child inside of me any longer.  With each encounter with other men, the shame would soon follow. I have been in therapy since 1987 and have learned so much about why I was the person I was.  I am a more balanced person having been in therapy.  I have dealt with a lot of painful emotions, grief and sadness. Had I not talked, felt those emotions, I would not have healed.  I know today I was never, ever at fault for what these people did to me.  I was an innocent child looking for someone, anyone to love me.  Today, I love the person I am even with all my faults and frailties.  I have learned to stand up to people who are cruel or mean spirited.  I stand up for myself because I believe in who I am and that I do not deserve anything less than respect.
Amelia 2012

Friday, July 20, 2012

A Bit of Encouragement

I know that it can be really rough dealing with the affects of sexual violence, and rough telling and reading the stories. Here is a bit of encouragement for all of you.


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

(Petition) Secretary of Defense: Create a Central National Registry for Military Sex Offenders

I joined the military because I wanted to serve my country.  I served as a Lance Corporal in the Marines for over three years.  In that time I was raped twice and sexually assaulted another two times. 
The first time it happened I was serving abroad in Afghanistan.  After that first incident I was assaulted three other times over the course of three years.  It came to happen so often that I assumed it was normal and that it must happen to everyone.  I never received any training on how to deal with sexual assault in the military- I didnt even know how to report it.  
When I finally decided to report the sexual assaults I was led through a maze of questions and excuses and I was even discouraged from reporting the crimes.  In the end, instead of getting justice I was ostracized and humiliated.  
I learned that there is currently no national military sex offender registry and that offenders are not required to disclose their crimes on their discharge papers.  A sex offender registration for convicted for military personnel would help to address the impunity that surrounds rape within the military.  Most veterans are honorable men and women who have served our country, but there are some who have committed serious crimes like rape and sexual assault during their service and the military has a responsibility to disclose that information for the sake of the public good. 
When asked why sex offenders do not have to disclose on their discharge papers, some of the responses I was given were 1) It will take too long to create a national database or 2) the military is going green and it takes too much paper to add an extra check box to discharge papers. 
This is part of a larger issue of rape within the military.  Some estimates reveal that more than 1/3 of women in the armed services are raped during their service.  If you serve in the US military and you rape or sexually assault a fellow service member you have an 86.5% chance of keeping the crime a secret and a 92% chance of avoiding court martial.  
Join me in asking the Department of Defense to create a national database for sex offenders.

Sign this petition at http://www.change.org/petitions/secretary-of-defense-create-a-central-national-registry-for-military-sex-offenders

TyCo's Story

I will always find it difficult not to blame the fact that i was born with no a**hole which resulted in the abuse that i endured for all those years.

At the the age of 2 the sexual abuse started at the hands of a male and female day care manager.  I loved going to this day care venue but unfortunately my mother had to return to work and therefore a bus started collecting me from home early in the morning.  As a special treat several of us were allowed to stay up rather than go for an afternoon sleep.  Unfortunately it was during this time that the sexual abuse occured.

At the age of 4 a female neighbour who was about 12 at the time allowed us to go into her backyard to see the pet chickens.  Wow this was a special treat but the price was to let her see what the drs had done to save our life.  So ecause i was use to removing my clothing for adults to show my bottom I naturally removed my clothes for her as well.  regrettably tis led to far more than just showing her what the drs had done over the next 4 years including me having sex with her and her testing to see if the doctors had done their job properly and created an anus that could endure all kinds of things being forced into it.

At the age of 5, for 12 months, I was sodomised by my older step brother which to this stage is probably the event I have dealt with the least out of all the experiences Ive had.

At the age of 8 as I was experiencing yet another event with the female neighbour her father caught us and brought us inside the house.  The was to be the start of 3 years of sexual abuse within a pedophile ring of 7 adults. Most of the time this occured with 5 people at a time with 3 people having their way with me at once.  I was also forced to recruit other children into the ring. 

As a result of being incontinent i occured severe bullying at school from the time I entered elementary school until the time i ended high school.

As a result i have developed several mental illnesses with the main ones being DID (multiple personality disorder), boarderline personality disorder and schizoid personality disorder.

I have resorted to several unhealthy coping strategies including self harminng, gambling addiction, addiction to pornography, bulimia, binge eating, inappropriate use of over the counter medication.

I have OD several times and ended up on life support.  I have spent long periods of time in a mental hospital.
The biggest thing i have learnt is that we never asked to be on this journey but with time and patience we can get through this to the other side and that we are all worthy fighting for the opportunity to be the person God created us to be.